Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 10, 2008

How patient are you? Do you jump at people the moment you disagree with them? What about when you do something or don't do something you thought would be the right thing to do? In life, we are given the ability to control our emotions and bring the best of things to ourselves. God and Spirit have created a master plan to allow for all people to delineate from common bad situations, and from evil-minded people. These are admittedly two extremes, however, all things can trigger responses. This would be a good day to have you analyze your own reactions to even the smallest of issues that make you want to snap, whether it is to yell, cry, fume or run away from the cause. Today, try to have a peaceful heart. Remove yourself from the agitations that can limit your production and growth. Allow for your spiritual connection to rule over any condemnation of bad behavior or poor decisions. You deserve better.

Spirit will frequently remind people of the fact that their destiny is within their own beliefs, as well as the gift of free will that God has given everyone. That's why each small lesson is helpful in adding to a power base of goodness. Isn't it nice to know you can achieve whatever you want by controlling your emotions and your inborn access to love and Light? Consider this message nothing more than a reminder not to stew over the things that are out of your control. Stay balanced. Stay aware of the love that submits itself to you. Spirit sees you as beautiful leaders of your world. Remember that it becomes even more so when you share the suggestions and guidance from the spoken words of Spirit. Never let the dark one have the power over you, or to drive you to lose your rights and your right to be patient.


Terry said...

Another powerful message from Spirit in our quest to be, in a way, as an "alchemist". I borrow that notion of alchemy from Eckert Tolle. Turning evil, darkness, crisis into something else transcendant seems monumental at times. Parsing out that which is in our control and surrendering (transcending) that which is not is tough stuff. Teetering on the edge is what many of us must feel in this process. I know that's how I feel sometimes. Step by step...little by little...

Unknown said...

That is an interesting view. Keep in mind that according to Spirit, what they teach us is simple. If only we could get our human thinking to abide by the spiritual, then life would be as beautiful as we want it to be.

Terry said...

Do you think I am complicating the process? It helps me on the road to become a spiritual person to get beyond certain challenges by understanding that negative can be transformed into positive. We can become better, stronger, more loving and tolerant people. As you say, "If only we could get our thinking to abide by the spiritual..." I guess nothing good ever comes easy, but we keep trying. :) Thank you, Jim, for the beautiful and hopeful messages.