Monday, November 17, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 18, 2008

Today, we want you to be aware of the many negative cliches that people use. Things such as "filthy rich" and "Heaven help me/us" are usually stated with a sigh and feeling of disbelief and frustration. Your job is to allow these thoughts to freely flow, and then take the opportunity to recognize them. Once done, change them! Exult in the awareness of greatness that Spirit bestows upon you. This one day, for at least one time, should be nothing more then a recharging of your abilities to lift your life to its high point.

Why did I say, "for at least one time"? Quite simply, life regenerates all the time. We know you will have to cope with negativity from others. Just don't let it cling to yourself. Expand your horizons! See beyond the point of despair and focus only on all that is great in your life. All we want is for each of you to feel reclaimed by joyous emotions, not overrun with the down and out feelings that many of you get. Aspire higher! By understanding what we are telling you, then you won't grumble, "Heaven help me." Instead, your words will be, "Heaven is helping me!" There as much love coming within this message. Take it and hold it like it is your anchor. Love is a great thing to have and to give. It is the only thing that gets stronger when you share it. These are the spoken words of Spirit.

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