Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 10, 2008

Let us relive the days of years gone by, when happiness and trust were more easily attained. Let us relive the days when tolerance and understanding were the truth. Now it's time to live in today by absorbing the rays of Spirit that were born in years gone by. Let us live in today where technology has diminished self-reliance, socialization and all fraternal values.

Today, as everyday, is a new chance to reverberate the values of the reflection of God, the power of all in Spirit. Today is the day when we turn aside excuses that prevent us from understanding and moving forward with the difficult tasks of just living.

“I am alive and free!” Soar with the confidence of the angels and hail the gift of absorbing the wondrous windows of God-filled willingness and opportunity available to you at all times.

“I am alive and free!” Fly with the acuity of the eagle and the resemblance of the Mighty Powers within the flight of their wings—your wings!!

The most import message of the year is the message of receiving through giving. Coerced and nudged, the love of God rises within yourself, your womb, and your existence. The power of your soul is fed by the strength of your awareness of yourself and the goodness that exists within. This is the season to open your heart, mind and positive intent by recognizing the joys of giving and promoting your own spirit. It is the season that should symbolize the beginning of life and the renewal of sharing the wealth and love that comes from it.

Today, it is your turn to change the volume! Hear us bless you! Hear us tell you that nobody can take away the internal power that you have! Use this awareness to embark on the journey of personal growth, as well as the spiritual changes that create your persona, the traits and characteristics of happiness. You are alive! Share that exhilaration with others and transform their lives to be as blessed as you! These are the spoken words of Spirit. Do whatever it takes to share them with others.

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