Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--January 23, 2009

Our lands are in a time of renewal. The world can move only in two main directions; better or worse. We can join together and unify as a peaceful, accepting whole society, or we can choose to be divisive and cause rancor, bitterness, distrust and more. Spirit needs to see the masses of people rally together as right-minded thinkers. In other words, it is vital for the millions who wanted a complete change not to forget about their safety of the lands and the people who live in them. Pray for protection and peace. Pray for financial success and good health. Pray for emotional and spiritual blessings.

There will be stories coming out from only fair-minded journalists that will show the re-birth of separation amongst all men and women. Spirit is concerned that the biased media will extol the actions under a disguised balance of fairness without reporting what is really being created. All people--white, black, red, yellow, brown, or whatever skin tone you may have, are all equal in the eyes of God and Spirit. To begin to spout rhetoric that can disconnect the years of hard work that has created parity will become very dangerous. This is the reason for our message today. Spirit asks that you continue to work to be positive, loving physical souls in this great universe. We ask that you plow forward with thoughts and dreams of greatness in your personal lives, as well as in the lives of all the world. Quite frankly, it is each person who can erect a personal life of love, centered around peace and tranquility that will expand to the outside world. Let us be pleased with our personal progress. Let all people recognize that harmonious attitudes are beneficial to all people, not just a class of people. Spirit wants to see the United States and the rest of the world become a focal point of love and not of anger or gloating.

For today, your only concern is to make your individual path more secure and content. Let each of you extend a smile, a handshake, hug or kiss to whoever you want to give a lift to. It is your choice to re-visit what works to bring a smile in your soul. You are all blessed by God. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


Diane said...

Lately I feel that I am going backwards instead of forward. I am trying, I really am. I think and believe that I am doing the right thing, doing what is right and necessary, then I question it because I fear I am causing pain for another. I only want to help, then I worry...that seems to be my mantra as of late, back and forth, back and forth, right or wrong, wrong or right? How do you know? Life can be so hard at times... time to LG, right?

Unknown said...

If you LG and LG then LG. Spirit's more favorite lines to me lately. If you Let Go and Let God then Life's Good. Of course, we are all human and part of our personal growth and lessons depends on how much we can truly appreciate the intent of those words. I'm not sure if we ever move backwards, but sideways and standing in place is normal. All of us can benefit from expressing our concerns--not grumbling. What I'm trying to say is that sometimes the key to feeling better or more balanced might very well come from a word or two from someone else. God and Spirit tend to use what they refer to as their "Angels on Earth."

Diane said...

Maybe that is what I am doing sometimes, moving sideways and not ahead. Standing in place is, I think, what I feel right now, like I am not accomplishing what I set out to do. There is this huge wall of resistance, and sometimes it feels like it is rushing towards me, like a tsunami, about to topple me or sweep me out to sea. I am trying to catch my breath.

I have met many angels here on earth, and they give me words of encouragement, but my strength and resolve are beginning to wane. Spirit must be having one heck of a time holding me up, but I know they are's a good thing they have not lost their patience with me...yet! :-)

Terry said...

When I feel as you do, Diane, I try to remember to be like the willow in the storm. Bend with the force rather than resist it. Otherwise, you are uprooted. Reframe it, accept it, change what you can, and let go of the rest. Hard to do sometimes but worth a good try. I like LG, LG, LG! I say that a few times a day, depending. :)

Diane said...

Thank you Terry. Yes, it is hard to do. I will try to be that willow, but a willow is strong and I don't feel that strong right now. So I just have to give it all up to God right now and somehow get my strength back...

Terry said...

Hope it gets better. I'll say a prayer.

Diane said...

Thank you so will...I am just so emotionally exhausted right now...but I have a lot of faith and I do believe that everything always works out the way it should. Jim taught me that :-)