Have you ever felt like you are running as fast as you can through life, only to feel like you have not moved? This is normal for most people. The human quality of the Creation has you thinking that you always need to be somewhere, doing something or accomplishing anything. Try to just BE. Be the soulful person you were made to be. Try not to force things to happen. Instead, allow them to come to you in the right time by continually visualizing the results you want. Existence on the earth plane can be as gratifying as life in the spiritual plane. In fact, with the help of Spirit, you should be able to look at each day as a platform of opportunity. Empower yourself! You do not need to wait for someone else to lead you to what is best for yourself. Seize the day! Live life full of knowing companionship with the love of those who have past before you. Whether it is Mary, Ray, or any of your loved ones, they can help you too.
We say this for a reason. As you continue to strive for what feels right, many times you delay your happiness out of what is some form of conjectured response to smothering lessons previously learned. You can be free to live with love! You are free! Show the gratitude that God and Spirit deserve by living life with the daring or bold acceptance of the life they are trying to present to you. Stop over thinking! Simply let the subtle powers of infinite love unfold jubilantly within. Reach to the pinnacle of success and serenity that you desire. Why? Because you should be happy and with a heart opened to those who truly love you. It is our intent that each person knows that they do not have to live in a trapped lifestyle. Never allow something to manifest that is emotionally unhealthy. Don’t you deserve more? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
**I will be at Path To Joy (Ruthie's Nest) healing center at 594 Middle Road in Bayport, Long Island on May 23rd from 2-4:00 p.m. for a book-signing. Stop on by if you're in the area and say hello.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:http://www.amazon.com/Spoken-Words-Spirit-Lessons-Other/dp/1432720805/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1205332414&sr=11-1
"It is our intent that each person knows that they do not have to live in a trapped lifestyle. Never allow something to manifest that is emotionally unhealthy."
These words really strike home.
Jim, I may not comment every day but I would like you to know that these daily messages have meant so much to me in my life.
Anytime you comment is fine. Like I've previously written, it helps to know that the messages are resonating with someone. Stay true to your path.
This is such a powerful message Jim. It seems like Spirit is literally shouting from the rooftops about their desire for our happiness!!
Thank you!
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