Monday, May 4, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 5, 2009

If you feel challenged and stressed, it is important to remember the adage that for those that God gives much to, much is expected. It is also important for you to note that no one is ever given more than they can handle. Yes, there will be times when you may not feel that is true. The expectations given for you come with the theory that you will learn to trust in it if you ask for assistance from Spirit because it is assistance that will be given. Let yourself worry only about “mentalizing” the positive results you desire.

We have used the word “desire” for a reason. Anybody can want something, but true importance of value only comes from something deeper and stronger--like your commitment and connection to God, Spirit and the angels. Do you really think that you have to suffer? Everyday, you are given the chance to be with people who will make you better. Granted, some of you have been tapped to be leaders, teachers and mentors, both in the physical sense, as well as in the spiritual. For you, Spirit commends your efforts, but never want you to feel as abandoned as you may at times. Angels have arrived! Take advantage of their presence, whether they are in physical form or in the form of the Purest Energy. You are loved!

Do you love yourself enough to ask for the materialization of your dreams and desires? What happens when the manifestation of your requests is granted? Do you become thankful and accept this gift, or do you panic and block it from the finished stages of fulfillment? The choice is always yours, but the universe responds accordingly. Embrace what is given to you, for it can be a long time before it comes again if that is the repeated response we receive from you. See yourself as worthy because you are! Today is your day to seize. Make it your day to feel absorbed into the infinite love that can only come from those on the Golden Side. Make it a better day by doing something that will help you to be healed in every sense of the word. The angels are not only on your shoulder; they are also in your heart and soul. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit. Share them.

You can purchase autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Amazing. What I needed to hear. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful message. "Embrace what is given to you for it may be a long time before it is given again..." I never think much about missed opportunities and even less about how maybe God will tire of offering these gifts because of our lackluster response. Today I will be grateful for everything and seize the most hidden window of chance to simply be grateul or do something that matters to another person's happiness. Thank you once again Jim for these messages. They are truly my guide each day and I try to pass them on to those I love.

Diane said...

I love this!! What a great feeling these words gave me!

"The angels are not only on your shoulder; they are also in your heart and soul."

Thank you Jim!

Unknown said...

Seems like every message is important many of us. I hope all of you continue to receive the guidance and personal growth that you want and deserve.