Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 25, 2009

Out of the imperfection of the human body and mind, emerges the perfection of the soul. God and Spirit do not expect you to be without flaws. That is pressure you put on yourself. It helps to feed into the lies that most people create for themselves. No, we are not calling all of you liars. The premise of this message may take time before the full impact is understood. Be patient with it.

People tend to wrap themselves in a series of lies to protect against feeling the full brunt of emotions. Most of the time it is not something that you are consciously aware of, at least until now. We want you to simply notice--or maybe even interrogate yourself--as you mindlessly make excuses for what you know you are meant to do or can do. Lies can come in abundance and with an abundant set of meanings. They do nothing to clear your soul. They do nothing to advance your happiness in life, nor are they any good in having you answer to what many of you know is your intended path from the powers of life on the side of God.

Perhaps, this message is most notably meant to encourage you to face your fears. You would be amazed at how peaceful you can be when you stop making excuses for why you might not be doing something. When you trust that there is a plan that you should be following--because you have free will--what is or is not done sits in your lap. Imagine though, how great your life can be when you trust in the higher powers. Instead, most of you abide by the judging of yourself, or by what other family or friends tell you. You react to it, often even knowing you do not agree. Has this cloak of fear masked in self-created reverence made you happy or bogged you down in a pattern of sameness? The mercy of yourself is not up to God. It is within the walls of your mind and the power within to liberate yourself from past hurts and mistakes. The same holds true for the fears you have when in the midst of potentially life altering changes.

Happiness is within your grasp. The angels lead the way! Allow love to radiate throughout the essence of who you are. Leap towards what can make this happen. Never, never are you unprotected if your desires are of positive intent to improve. The flow of God’s energy around you makes all things magnificent. Are you ready to receive it, or will you continue to waffle in fear-created falsehoods? Make today the day to eradicate your worries about life. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to join me at the Path To Joy (Ruthie’s Nest) on Saturday. It was great to see and talk to you.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Diane said...

"Out of the imperfection of the human body and mind, emerges the perfection of the soul." What a perfect statement!!

This message is pretty intense. I read it twice and will read it again tomorrow to make sure I get it.

Thanks Jim, as always!

Anonymous said...

Very intense message.

Unknown said...

I felt the same intensity when I channeled this in. This is one of those times when Spirit wants us to go back to something. Most of the time it is because we will interpret differently when it is read again.

JoAnn said...

"What is done or not done sits in your lap" - that is speaking to me - the master of procrastination!
Also "the mercy of yourself is not up to God. It is within the walls of your mind and the power within to liberate yourself from past hurts and mistakes." WOW!