Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--July 1, 2009

Do you ever truly keep track of all the things that go right in your life? From the side of spirit, we often find that most people only hold their problems; even from years past. It makes no difference whether you were wrong--knowingly or not--or if you have been wronged by another. Today is a good day to permanently release all those negative and useless memories. It serves no purpose other then to put yourself into a state of depression, anger and a feeling of emptiness. Challenge yourself to begin anew! You do not want to be an enabler for others, and in the process become one to yourself.

In order to remove the impediments that are blocking the path to a blessed freedom, all thoughts of anger, envy and revenge must be removed. These are useless emotions in the long run. They only harbor the resentment that you would never want for yourself, but when you retain it for others, who are you really hurting? Releasing toxic attitudes will allow the floodgates of glory to come freely flowing to you. Today, it is all about forgiveness. You must smudge out the issues that came from others who might have hurt you. It is also a good time to forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings. You do not have to be perfect in order to be seen as perfect in the eyes of God and Spirit. Consider them non-judgmental friends and teachers; not someone who is looking at you with criticism.

Just for a few moments, we want you to think about the happiest you have ever felt with someone. It doesn’t matter if it is or was a romantic partner. In fact, it could be anyone who made your heart shine, your mood lifted up to special levels. If you are wondering why we are asking you to do this, it is so that you know how those on the Golden Side feel when they look at you. We are your best friend, your strongest ally and most certainly, we are your protectors. All we want is for you to acknowledge it so that you can build a better path for enjoyment. Otherwise, you are only cheating yourself of the pleasurable experience that you should feel all the time. You are loved and protected by the angels of the universal flow of life and Light. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 30, 2009

Whose responsibility is it for you to be happy? It is yours! In order for true happiness to be put in place, each of you must remember that only you can choose to make the moves needed to ensure that it happens. Spirit lives within you; blessing you with the love and respect you need to feel life in an elated way. So, when we tell you that it is up to you to create your path to joy, what should not be lost is the fact that we work with you as your silent partner. Don’t be afraid to live life to the fullest!

Today’s message is simple. We hope that you will take the time to view all the signs of Spirit that are surrounding you. Listen to the breeze through the verdant leaves and petals that many trees and flowers are sporting. Listen to the happiness that can be heard from the birds, the squirrels and children who may be squealing with the power of their freedom. Yes, even as adults, life can still be free. The older you grow, the more important it is to maintain a mind of youthful excitement. It is never too late to discover new things; to venture towards unfamiliar experiences. They can come from exotic travel throughout the world, or simply by walking in your own neighborhood and seeing it through new eyes. The globe offers uplifting things, both near and far. Take as much into your heart as possible. Free yourself and your soul! Dance with the power of omnipotent prosperity.

Speaking of prosperity; we are trying to subtly remind all of you to focus on your needs to facilitate what you want to create. Our advice for this day is for you to take a few minutes to literally write out the scenario you desire your life to be. Get creative! In this exercise, there are no limitations. Imagine what you would do if you had perfect health and abundance beyond belief! Who do you want to be associated with? Do you want to ever worry about money, life, relationships and more when you have the infinite riches to create your dreams? It is okay to reach for the stars! This is not a new request, just one that is being reiterated because of how easily it can work if you put the power of positive belief into it.

Keep one very important thing in mind. Nothing is possible if you do not honor and show gratitude to the Highest Powers. It is the love of God and Jesus, along with all the Masters in spirit, that will elevate your mood and save you from the many feelings of despair that hold you back. Utilize the most infinite gift of all--the power of Spirit within you! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 29, 2009

Cherish the angels who reside in your aura. The energy field around you is frocked with joyous, spiritual entities. They are yours to use, to honor and to embrace. By doing so, you are telling the greatest of those on the side of God that you are a willing recipient of their love. It makes for your daily life to be filled with more of a euphoric and protective feeling, from sunrise to moonrise; sunset to moonset. This is the enduring power of impressive adoration that you are worthy of receiving. It is something that should truly be held with the confidence and esteem that the Lord and Master want you to have.

Our words given to you on this special day are solely meant to encourage you to see the brightness of yourself. You alone are the one who is in control of your destiny. You can choose to ignore the hug from the Higher Beings, or you can magnetize yourself with them. The physical life is not always the easiest place to be. However, it is spent with much less turmoil when you abide by the guidance and unending devotion to the blessings that come from your friends in spirit. We are here to hear you! Talk to us and share your elation with us, not just your woes. While we will gladly accept the burdens you feel, it is just as important for you to acknowledge the sphere of gratitude that Spirit has for you, but also that we want you to display to us. In simple terms, the more you show appreciation for the good things that happen, the more the universe will continue to flow them to you.

Lastly, we want you to understand that there is never a situation that cannot be resolved by the power of your unity with those on the Golden Side. Only your perpetual attitudes can sustain both the goodness and the issues that stress you. In other words, by allowing your thoughts and actions to stay openly loving and positive, then the free flow of loving rewards will surpass anything you could imagine. Thinking in optimistic terms is just the start. It will only come to be if you stop putting a damper on it with the, “it probably won’t happen for me” or the, “I doubt if I’ll ever get what I want” mentality. Make this day your chance to rise above the things that trouble you. Imagine that the power of the soul and heart of Jesus is entwined with you because it truly is. Embrace His hug! Embrace the hug of life that can be felt by your connections to right-minded and positive-minded thinkers. The more you surround yourself with people of this ilk, the more fascinating and fabulous you will be. Share through actual actions, that these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 27, 2009

This is a time of self-reflection. It is a day when many people will be analyzing themselves to see if they are where they want to be in life. For many young people, this period of time offers an opportunity to focus on the physical steps that will be opening their future to greatness. They will review how they want to achieve their goals and ideas that will create happiness and a level of exciting newness. In a sense, they are graduating and stepping up to the opportunity to invent the best path and life possible.

What most of them are unaware of is that at any time, you have the power to seek new directions. There are times when it is forced on you, yet there will be other times that unexpected circumstances may be the cause. Either way, Spirit is knitted to your side and your soul. We can help you to see the unlimited potential that is available. You must ask yourself who you want to be. Is it someone who merely survives life? Do you see yourself skating through and accepting difficulties and burdens as if they belong to you? Are you of the mode to see life through a prism of problems, falling back to ingrained teachings from your parents or others who may not have been able to see the Light of Life? What about a fear of moving forward based on grief or even because of a past failure?

Most of you could answer “yes” to at least one of those queries. Spirit says you should be proud of that, if for no other reason then to recognize your humanness. Just because we are always teaching you how to improve your views and concepts of life, it is still important to learn through your physical experiences too. No, we do not want you to needlessly suffer. However, we do not want you to continue useless and unhealthy patterns. That said, be an example to others in how to live a life that is infused with the blessings of the highest of teachers, such as Jesus, Moses, Buddha and more. Your life is charged with the depth of love and protection from all the angels in the Kingdom of Light. Allow that thought to be the guiding force in making improvements that you desire. Your goals are the goals of Spirit when they are intended for your best good, and the best for all people. Take no further step without realizing how much you are cherished and loved. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


I want to thank all of you who attended the Eyes of Learning event. It was something that definitely took me out of my comfort zone, but was well worth it. Hopefully, all of you who came enjoyed it too.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 26, 2009

On this day we ask that you pay close attention to all the steps you take. Your path is full of spiritual interaction, however, most people do not take the time to see it. You should benefit from understanding the casual and causal effects of Spirit in your everyday existence. Were you momentarily distracted by the sounds of the birds singing? Did you see someone smile at you that you never saw before? Did someone hold a door open for you, or nicely gesture to you that you could move ahead of them in line? Were you able to feel the tingling energy that is sprinkled over you throughout the day; sometimes giving the feeling of goose bumps? Spirit is with you.

You are never alone. Not when you feel isolated, nor when you feel sadness, grief, or complete joy. Spirit is with you. We are the guiding light for each of you to follow. All you need to do is to openly accept and embrace that fact. Hiding from it, or hiding your beliefs from others will only lead to a path that could be much more difficult or cluttered then it needs to be. Did you notice that the butterflies are dancing around you; or perhaps the dragonflies are buzzing too? There is Spirit in all of nature.

In fact, there is Spirit in all of life. We are never apart from you. It may feel that way only because you have chosen not to acknowledge us. This is common when things are going well. Then, when life starts throwing you some challenges, those who are less informed about the simplicity of the connection will blame Spirit or someone else for the problems they are incurring. The lessons we give you from the other side is pertinent if you are going to implode with the happiness and love you cherish. To deny what is a beautiful, soul-filled and soul-attached union between God, Jesus, Spirit and yourself, will only having you treading the same trends. Let us help you! Glide through life with the nutrients that we can deliver. You are angels to us, and we to you. The only difference is that our faith in you will never wane, regardless of how many times we need to remind you of the brilliant light you emanate to us. Try to let that same light shine brightly for those in your physical realm, but also for each of us on the Golden Side.

It is up to you to determine whether or not you want to accept the presence of Spirit beings to be part of a normal routine. And remember just that…it is normal for us to be connected and helpfully attached to you. With your love and trust of life and us, we can move you through your physical existence with illumination of all the great things that are omnipotent and present. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
I will be doing a “lecture” and book-signing at the Eyes Of Learning in Hicksville, NY today, Friday the 26th at 8:00pm. Further info is on my website below.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 25, 2009

Let us speak about devotion today. Did you know that devotion needs to be earned? No one who has ever had followers for the right reasons has gotten that way without earning it. This includes all of Spirit, God and the angels. You need to understand that our messages to you are of extreme value to us. In other words, when you are being requested to make changes, many times it comes from your guides and teachers who have done so themselves during their physical incarnations. Our words are always meant to give you encouragement, not to point out how much more work you need to do. Having a soul that is living in the physical world means that lessons are always ongoing.

Our true desire with our words today is something much different than what you may be thinking. Simply stated, God and Spirit are devoted to you. We see each of you in such a special, perfect way; where individually we cherish you as a gift to all of us on the Golden Side. Embrace our love, our help and our healing for you. It will lighten the burdens you may feel on any given day. Isn’t it better to know that regardless of what you choose to do in life that there is someone who totally stays at your side and in your heart? There is no way to underscore the strength of eternal love and protection that we want all of you to have.

We also ask that you look at devotion in one other way. We request that you be devoted to yourself; especially to the efforts you need to create the changes you want. It is always within your power to obliterate the annoyances of life that may stymie you. With our energetic arms gently around you, staying true to yourself and the changes and improvements you want to make should be seen much easier. How do you expect to improve if you cannot love yourself enough to stay committed to your goals? Wrap yourself in the love of the Light that craves your success. That said, you need to seek the love of others if you are to be in a state of loving devotion to yourself. Bear in mind, this does not mean that we are telling you to be pompous and egotistical. However, we do want you to cherish your importance and the aspects of yourself that you merit prominence and respect from others. You are a unique and perfect individual in the eyes of God, Jesus and the Hierarchy. In your own way, shout to the world that you deserve to be treated well, that you are entitled to great things! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

I will be doing a “lecture” and book-signing at the Eyes Of Learning in Hicksville, NY this Friday, the 26th at 8:00pm. Further info is on my website below.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 24, 2009

People spend too much time worrying about the past and future. Time is an issue that goes much deeper then what we can casually think about. Anything that has happened previously is obviously in the past. Anything that has yet to happen is the future. Consider that when you stay focused on the present, the past and future are virtually indistinguishable. Just as you finish reading each word in this message, it is in the past. Likewise, the words you are about to read are in the future.

Our purpose in this message is to try to get all of you to realize that you should not be as worried about your accomplishments, both past and future. In essence, all you can do is stay in control of life as it is happening. The imprint of these actions will formulate your history, whereby you can learn not to repeat what was harmful, as well as to allow you to mimic what created happiness. By keeping your emotions in check, you will create a road that should have you less fearful of what has yet to come. In addition, when you recognize that the only thing in your immediate power is the immediate time, then it should be comforting to know that each moment creates a new chance for you to invent your proper approach.

None of what we are trying to share with you is meant to sound confusing because there is much to learn from history. In fact, if the life of Jesus was not lived so profoundly open and perfect, no one would remember him. Yet here we are, some two thousand years later and His life is still seen by many as the paragon of blessed and perfect living. This is our main point. As long as you stay focused on what is in your control--your attitude and actions--then your future will feel as positive and powerful in the way the potent Master felt about His.

When we look from the side of God, we are able to see the struggles you are setting up for yourself. Often, it is created by a subconscious and repetitive need to repeat what you are familiar with. That is why so many of you have a rough time breaking the bonds of patterns that have made you feel stuck and frustrated. It is the cause for most enablers to keep doing things that force them to stay that way. Many will inadvertently blame other people for a variety of things that they have “rationalized” in their own minds so that they can continue to plot their future in the sense of familiarity. To them, it makes no difference if they hurt others along the way, just so long as they do not have to budge from the unhealthy life they are living, despite the opportunities that God presents to them. Change can be great when you realize the gift of love and happiness that can be received. Today is your day to honestly embrace the power of God-given and angelic love and protection. If you let a chance for it to escape, see if you can make amends and secure it by taking the necessary actions to fix it. Love should never be forsaken, especially when it is known deep within your heart, mind and soul. May the gift of life be absorbed by you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
I will be doing a “lecture” and book-signing at the Eyes Of Learning in Hicksville, NY this Friday, the 26th at 8:00pm. Further info is on my website below.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 23, 2009

When you are looking to improve yourself, fear is not an option. The thoughts of being fearful about something, especially beforehand, is one emotion that can drag you away from pending opportunities. To be fearful is to be responsible for the creation of uncertainty and limitations of what you can do. Keep in mind, we are not talking about being fearful of something that is a genuine or immediate threat, such as someone who is looking to commit an act of violence. We are speaking of your thoughts about trying to move forward in your life.

Suppose a job opportunity arises for you that means you will be doing something different then you are accustomed to, but it pays much more. Is your first thought one that might suggest to you that there is something too good to be true? What about an automatic mental suggestion that it probably doesn’t offer the same security as what you have--or in some cases don’t have? Do you think that it might put you in a higher tax bracket, so you’d rather not? All of the “what ifs” are limiting your progress. We’ve used a very mundane example of a job, only because many of you are stressing about the economy and creating an energy of panic and lack.

The deeper part of this message is to get you to see that limitations are created everyplace; in jobs, relationships, housing, health, time management, and so forth. When you make an excuse not to do anything different because you do not know the result of ahead of time, you subsequently stay in a state of suspension; dangling away and wondering why nothing in your life changes. It is the unwarranted fear that is causing that! So, this is what we want you to do from this day forward. Anytime and opportunity is presented to you, challenge yourself to look at the greater aspects of it. Probably, for many of you, it will be easier to do if you do a little role playing and view it and your guidance as though you were talking to a friend. You will be amazed at how differently something can seem when the perspective is changed. Unless you have been ingrained with a naysayer attitude, you would want your friend to succeed. So why not yourself? Why not take a more serious look at that job or opportunity for a new relationship. Of course, in terms of relationship, we are speaking of those who are not genuinely happily attached to someone.

In short, free your mind of anxiety and worries of the unknown. Pray for inner peace and harmony, but do so knowing your request is being heard. The Creator wants you to feel loved and uplifted at all times! Embrace that notion and give yourself some further acknowledgement by speaking kindly about who you are when any negative or fearful thought emerges. You did not get this far in life without being looked at by God and Spirit as being oh so worth it! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

I will be doing a “lecture” and book-signing at the Eyes Of Learning in Hicksville, NY this Friday, the 26th at 8:00pm. Further info is on my website below.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 22, 2009

Showing gratitude is one of the fastest ways to turn your life around. As we enter this new summer season, most of you will have a chance to entertain friends and family. It is a great time to tell those who are close to you that you appreciate them for their love, friendship or anything that is supportive. Gratitude is a beautiful gift to receive. Unfortunately, it is overlooked far too much by most adults, both on the giving and the side of reception.

One of the things to retain is that an expression of gratitude is also a statement of being humble. Humility is born out of a non-egotistical approach to life. It is rendered from a deeper perspective within your heart and soul. Anyone who is truly following their highest path will easily understand the purpose of these words. If you are just starting to open to a journey of self-respect and the embracing of God and Spirit, then we will share further. To be non-egotistical and appreciative of others, you open yourself to the universe’s ability to repay you in kind for the kindness of your words or deeds. It is pivotal in anyone’s growth. Basically, there is a register kept by the Higher Side that records all of our deeds and behavior. Don’t panic. Spirit is not about retribution for the things done that are unhealthy or wrong. The focus will always be on what you do right so that you can be given more and more of that in response. If we focused on the negative, then you would too.

Our mission is to make you feel loved and free. It is our job to teach you the easiest ways to do this. That is what this very simple message is about. Overcomplicating it will not allow you to achieve your goals. A show of gratitude to someone is very inspiring, thereby allowing you to feel inspired too! We do have one other thing to add to this. Show gratitude to yourself! If you have trouble doing that, we might have to work harder on getting our point across in all these lessons. As an individual, you need to feel uniquely loved and embraced by the collective hearts of all the angels. You should never feel alone, suppressed by outside pressures or annoyed with who you are. Each day is given to you as a new chance to change what is not right in your life. Make today yours! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

I will be doing a “lecture” and book-signing at the Eyes Of Learning in Hicksville, NY this Friday, the 26th at 8:00pm. Further info is on my website below.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 20, 2009

One of the easiest ways to get nowhere in life is to have a pessimistic attitude and approach towards all things. Each time you say or think in those terms, what you do is send signals to the universe that you want to continue to be discouraged. In addition, can anyone who has pessimism as their rally cry, tell Spirit what good it has done you? You instill a deeper sense of hopelessness in yourself. The other aspect, in our thoughts, is that you have a negative reach to everyone you are connected to. It is not an effective way to be, unless you are trying to set limitations on your family and friends.

That last line was intentionally a bit facetious. We know that none of you want to live pessimistically, but you have been living a life ingrained with it. Some of it came from picking up on the tones and teachings from your childhood. This is not your fault. That said, you have the necessary means to change the tone you set forth. We highly doubt that you want to continue a trend of struggles in all areas, as well as to elongate your thoughts to any of your close family or friends. Instead, we ask that you become more conscious of every time you think a thought that has a foundation of a poor attitude or outcome. By moving your mind chatter to the forefront, you have taken a huge step. You are showing the universe that you are ready to embrace a life of love, prosperity and optimism, simply because you willingly replace the negative thoughts with something--anything--that is positive. It is easier to do then you are pessimistically thinking right now.

Spirit puts out a challenge to you. First, we want to know if you followed through on our suggestions from a few days ago? If not, then make your lists now. If you started and lost interest after a day or two; begin anew! Secondly, we want you to spend one full day making sure you correct each and every unhealthy mental creation--your pessimistic thoughts--by restating what you want in a positive way. If you can string a few days together, this practice will leave you feeling hopeful, not without hope. This is not a difficult task. All it requires is a bit of patience and the awareness of how people around you respond. No doubt, good things will start to happen for all who are important to you, as you will not be setting out vibrations that hold everyone in place. This is your time to grow! Be an example for others! Let them see what a difference a refreshing change in philosophy can bring! All people are tethered to the golden strings of God’s soul. Make sure you try not to break this bond. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit. Share them with as many people as you think will benefit from them.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 19, 2009

If we look at compassion, most people will not understand the depth of the word. Compassion controls your state of mental peace. We could also say the your state of peace dictates compassion. You cannot have this emotion without first seeing all people, even your so-called enemies, at the same level. Seeing all people in a manner of equality is vital to your personal and soul growth. It enhances the richness of your life in many ways.

Perhaps what we are trying to express has more to do with a sense of equanimity for all of God’s work. How can you express compassion for some people or things without feeling it for all? It is virtually impossible to do because you end up dictating who or what is worth more than other people or things. What level of growth can you find if the underlying aspect of your motivation is to segregate one from another? In a sense, you are trying to place a label on everything, thereby separating many of life’s potential joy. You are also telling the universe that you expect to be seen as unequal in the eyes of some people. That said, you are not allowing for total and fulfilled peace to be given to you from every fabric of life.

Since our goal is to encourage each of you as to reach your pinnacle of success, both from a physical and soul standpoint, then we truthfully need you to assist in our endeavors. Only you can open the pathways to reap the benefits of a universe that is infinite in all things, both good and bad. With that knowledge, you must always put yourself on equal footing with all others. In the eyes of the highest Masters, such as Jesus and Buddha, all are worthy of loving treatment. Even those who you disagree with have the ability to bring lessons to you. They can contribute mightily to your understanding of the right or wrong way to expand your personal life.

Our bottom line in this simple message is that life must be nourished in all ways. The fastest way to accomplish this is to feel true compassion; for that will lead to passion. Being passionate about your life will always set you out on the journey of steps to create the love and richness that is intended for you. Simplify the way you look at others. Embrace the power of your soul. Embrace the power of the angelic entities who surround you. Let your heart be open to all good things without prejudice. If you can do this, then you are removing all blockages preventing the influx of happiness and wealth. Absorb this message, because we want all of you to awaken each day with the feeling of true elation and love. Take this hug from the angels. It is yours! May you always be able to feel the depth and compassion of love from the sources of Light who guide and nourish you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 18, 2009

When each of you were born, you were supplied with all the tools to fulfill this lifetime. They may come to you in unexpected ways. For instance, you could be feeling sorry for yourself, or in your mind, down on your luck. You might find yourself at the store, and while waiting on line you overhear a conversation that someone around you is having that is of complete relevance to how you feel. Answers are given to you, despite the fact that from a physical perspective you may not have thought the words were yours. Remember, nothing happens by accident. Even during small episodes as we just outlined, the Creator of life timed it perfectly for you.

Basically, our message today is more about trying to encourage and motivate you to feel the love and success that human life was designed to have. It will not happen when you choose to stay stagnant. Your happiness always has choices. The greatest tool you have is your voice, but equally important are your actions. If you are to ever feel relieved of your burdens, instead of burrowing your way under the covers, stick your head out and look at the horizon. If it does not ring with optimism and elation, then it is time to reach out via your words or conduct to emancipate yourself from stifling and limiting situations. We find that there are many times when you don’t even realize how deep in the proverbial quicksand you have lodged yourself. This is especially important to those of you who are enduring relationships that are not healthy or healing.

On the topic of relationships, we do not always intend for that to sound like personal relationships. There is a relationship to everything in the world. It can come in connection with your job, your pets, kids, and even your car or home. All of this is comprised of the energy you put forth. If you consistently refuse to see your own goodness, then you have that energy emanate from you to all these examples and more. So, how do you want to resolve it? Is it easier to let someone else take care of it for you? Many times, that answer could be “yes.” However, in this case we are imploring you to change your pattern. Over and over, we see those who are cemented the most in their situations have the most resistance to changing them.

We have mentioned your voice for a reason. It can be ratcheted up so you can reach out to people who can assist you. It can also be used to reverberate to the highest of Light sources--God and Spirit. Jesus or Buddha would never turn their backs on anyone who looked to them for help when they had a life of physical embodiment. The same holds true now that each of them is in a state of ethereal light. In fact, they are more powerful. Most of you who struggle, tend to look past all the people who they have sent to you to guide you towards lives of inner tranquility. Time after time, we see some of you repeat the same unhealthy routines while deluding yourselves by thinking, “this time it will be different.” Unless the people involved in your relationship, or the “inanimate” objects that have a correlation with your destiny have chosen to work in the same dynamic, then you are just further delaying your journey to peace. Within you is the power to change. Embrace it! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 17, 2009

The art of manifestation is an interesting key to your long-term success. Many people who are aware of the way it works are frequently the same people who do not give it a chance. We see, from the side of spirit, that those who want to attract better things for themselves, do not stay steady in their positive mantras. From a strictly human measure of time, you did not get to where you are without a lot of time passing. Although most negative problems can be resolved more quickly, our assertion is that if you start to change your thinking to be one that rewards you instead of disrupts you, it will take a little time. You must be patient and prove your sincerity.

With that in mind, we will suggest to you that you have a written list of positive sayings or thoughts. It should be your specifications for every aspect of life that you want improved. Use a calendar check system to do or say each of them everyday so that you will be more likely to repeat them. Otherwise, most people do this for a day; sometimes for a week or so, and then slip back into the same bad habits that they want to change. It will take at least a month of consistency before you begin to reap the benefits of re-training your subconscious to be ramped towards success and prosperity. We are certain of this and would not share it with you if it were not relevant to your happiness. Place your list where it is most vital. In other words, if you want to lose weight, put your positive affirmation list on the handle of your refrigerator, or literally hang it up inside so that it is in your way. You will be forced to look at it. Likewise, you can do similar things to remind you of your other yearnings to improve. Place the list on your pillow so that you cannot go to sleep without looking at it.

Our mention of the subconscious is twofold. First, it is the driving force behind many of the actions and results you get in your day to day routine. Unbeknownst to you, the universe is replying to what you are sending it. The second reason we bring it up is to teach all of you that the subconscious is an erasable, as well as reprogrammable feature of the human creation. The universe is the same. You will receive and behave in ways that will open up the canned thoughts that are in the back of your mind. It is time to lose the useless and prohibitive processes that hold you back from restoring inner peace.

Many of you thought the writing a list out was a great idea when you read it. However, many of those who thought it will not put the effort into making them or marking off a calendar. If you are truthful to your quest for a bountiful life of love, then you have to enact an alteration within yourself. We want you to shift your focus to a Higher Power. Be at peace with the knowledge that for true happiness to come to you, your connection to God, Jesus and The Brotherhood of Light, has to be strong at all times. Our hands are held out for you, as we can be the redeemer of the joys you seek. Use us! Please accept the loving vibrations of the Golden Light. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 16, 2009

There is always more then one way to look at everything. Most people miss the opportunity to learn because all they can see is what happened at the moment. There are many times when God’s protection requires rejection. It is a way to keep you safe from unknown problems in the future. This, truthfully, does not hold true for everything, however, there are multiple times when this does ring with veracity. At times, rejection in the moment is only a way of telling you that it is not the right moment. Expect more for yourself! Know that the reigns of love from the angels are always forming around you.

We want to live life with you; full of zest! While you may feel that some durations of time are worse than others, Spirit is here to get you to see the relevancy of the beauty of your self and soul. You are not ever forgotten, nor without power. It is the things you do not want that need to change. It is your peaceful and calm attitude that will make this take place. You must understand that the worst enemy you have is the enemy of a frustrated and discouraged mind. In fact, discouraged thoughts are often the foundation of the seeds of anger. Let’s work together to change that. If you give yourself and the guidance given to you by those in spirit a little time, the manifestation of what you want will come into fruition.

Our words are going to be shortened up today because we want you to sit with the power that they bring. To add much more will only get you overanalyzing your decisions and thoughts. This is much more about trusting how you want your life to go by trusting in the inner voice that speaks to you. Train your mind through the art of relaxation, that to feel discouraged will only fester more or what you do not want. What we want is for you to know that the Kingdom of Light is your beacon to safety and love. Share The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 15, 2009

Hatred. It is a difficult emotion to dispose of. It delays and removes happiness from your daily life. If we tell you that it is alright to be upset with a situation, but not to hate it, would that make sense? Our point is more about your thoughts and feelings towards other people, but it does include the fusion with hatred towards things too. We hope that you learn to have a calm and peaceful mind. Doing so will always take away any need or thoughts to be hating anyone or anything. You are better than that.

What we want you to do is to step back from those who hurt you. Many times, it is just basic ignorance and ego that dictates their need to mar a good situation. Your “job” this week is to release as many unhealthy feelings as you can. Release your annoyances. They do no good. This message is all about attitude. The more you strive to make yours loving and blessed, the less you will find yourself with hatred. Many of you nonchalantly use the word to describe any feeling of frustration. “I hate my job. I hate my neighbors. I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate how he or she treats me.” We could go on and on, but in the end, only your mental shifting can remove such restrictive thoughts. Blaming someone else is not going to eliminate the root cause of the problems you encounter or endure.

Consider the life of Jesus. He was persecuted by many, but loved all for who they were. While he may not have agreed with the treatment he was given, with his calm mind, there were never any thoughts of feeling disgusted or hatred. He knew it was a useless way to live life. He knew that there is so much more for each of you to experience. This is your opportunity to change the things you do not like. Remove yourself from relationships that are noxious in nature. Unless it is a career choice, it is not your lot in life to enable those who refuse to help themselves. You should not be denied a lifetime of happiness out of some irrelevant thoughts that you can change whoever it is. All you need to focus on is what brings you peace, calmness and happiness. This is not selfish; it is practical and loving. It is who God wants you to be. Making excuses will never get you to where you want to be. Positive, proactive and tranquil attitudes will encourage you to make this day and all others, a better today. What have you got to lose by making an effort to do things differently so that you do not keep repeating the same patterns that bring you nothing but frustrations? Begin by telling the people you love and admire just that. All anger and hatred diminishes with time, but your mental attitude can speed up the process. May this be a peaceful new beginning for you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 13, 2009

Anger and emotions can completely disrupt our intended, loving pattern in life. We must all learn to deal with these things in the most practical way. Giving power to them will only increase the likeliness of receiving more anger and emotional situations in return. Basically, you must begin to quiet your mind enough to listen to your thoughts. Are they strung together with aspects of frustration towards others? What about being annoyed with your own choices and the things that you have done to stall or prevent yourself from experiencing happiness on a deeper, more permanent level? Do you let your emotions interject fear? Conversely, how do you feel when you are happy?

We asked that last question for a reason. Most people are able to see that there is a lightness about them when happiness replaces anger. There are many ways to control emotions and anger. One sure way is through meditation. We will leave it to each individual to find the best form to fit your needs. However, it is important to remember that the Buddhist theology acknowledges a form that is akin to infinite compassion and kindness. While this is a perfect thing to visualize, it has to also be said that when you deny these emotions within yourself, the only result is frustration with yourself, and also towards others who are innocent. Be clear in your mind that if you are going to broaden your own spirituality and powers, that it can be a hindrance if you do not allow the flow of life to take place. What we mean is that while you are on a quest for relaxation of both, body and mind, that you can undo any good that can be derived from a higher attunement of your energies and chakras. We want you to absorb the luxurious gift of love and angelic harmony that can come from ridding yourself of anger and unfair or unbalanced emotions.

It is understood by all of the Masters in spirit, including Buddha and Jesus, that your efforts are signs that you want to feel compassion for yourself. Let those in the Kingdom of God come to your rescue. Stop feeling unhealthy emotions towards those who hurt you, intentionally or not. Stop feeling unhealthy emotions when you view who you are. With the inspiration of true guidance that can come from being in the form of oneness with Spirit, you have no excuses. If you are not trusting what you receive during these prayerful states of mind, then it is your mind that is getting in the way. Allow yourself to come to life! Feel the blessings and gift of love that all purposeful, loving teachers can give you. Remember, you are in a life that is largely controlled by emotions. As you flow with the infinite kindness that is given to you, your hearts will be healed. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 12, 2009

Today, we wish for you to focus on only the positive things in your life. Granted, when you are struggling or in poor health this may seem to be difficult. Our answer to this is that there is always something to be grateful for. One extreme example would be this; you are homeless or losing your home. While this is a major problem, Spirit reminds you that you are still alive. That gives you the means to reorganize your thoughts and make the appropriate changes to gradually fix the situation. It is an opportunity for you to recognize that you did not have all the answers as things were. This allows you to cleanse your mind and start asking other successful people what they have done, or what their mindset is that makes them triumph.

Our point is quite simple. The universe provides people, and a multitude of opportunities on a steady basis so that you always have a place to turn to that will make you vibrate in positive ways. Sometimes, simply looking for nature is the easiest way to lift your energies and attitudes. We have not spoken about animals all that much in the past, but it is a large segment of what keeps the world balanced and alive. In fact, we dare you to find a more efficient way to pollinate all the plants, trees and greenery that provides medicines and cures for virtually all ailments. The simple bee is one of the greatest measures of this example. Not only do they insure that a multitude of plants and flowers will be able to reproduce, but they also allow provide food for humanity. In simpler aspects, they even provide a materiel (wax) that can be used for a variety of things.

One of the reasons we are sharing this with you is that animals simply just know that their “job” is to live. They know that it is in their best interest to adapt and make whatever change is necessary to instill an internal sense of protection and peaceful state of being. Animals know how to love and how to instinctually live in a way that they accept challenges as a means of evolving. In other words, they do not allow themselves to fall in a mental approach of despair, but instead, they seek out better ways to live. People need to embrace this simplicity.

There is one further reason we are speaking of animals. Attached to it is the Plant Kingdom. It is full of vibrancy. Many of these natural creations are bursting with healing colors. On subliminal levels, viewing the shades of green, blues, violets and so forth, a sub-sense of feeling good is created within yourself. You don’t have to do anything but be thankful while you absorb these healing energies at your core or cellular level. God has provided all the answers to help you attain the love and comfort you desire. It is up to each individual to acknowledge and infuse it into themselves. With the basic tools we have just shared with you, only you can prevent future happiness by refusing to work with them. Focus on the joys in life, whether they may come in the form of a new job, a birth or wedding announcement for someone, or the simple gift of life that you are in charge of. May your path and journey be filled with love and optimism. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 11, 2009

May you all understand that life is not permanent, therefore, any problems in it will be resolved. One of the primary reasons that people feel stuck is that they view each aspect of their existence as if it has no end in sight. Happily, there is always an end. Some call it death, while others call it re-birth. We know that as you read that sentence, your hearts all seemed to have a release of depressed thoughts. Fear not, because we are using this as an extreme example to generate our point. What we want for all of you to know is that when you place such an impact on things that are of impermanence, then you are setting yourself up for failure.

In the eyes of God and Spirit, you are abundantly protected. Envision yourself shielded from hardships and lifted up from the doldrums that can cause you to lose focus of the bigger picture in your physical world. Each day is an opportunity to see the sun shining, even if you need to wait for the clouds to move away. Life is a cycle. In it all things will be equal. It is only those who choose not to see the positive who struggle the most. Nothing is permanent, not even your physical body. This is exactly why we want you to live to your fullest, happiest capacity. If you place the thought that all things are always going to be the same, then what you are saying is that you refuse to believe that anything can improve. Changes only take place when stubbornness and resistance are put aside; not an easy task for most people.

Today, reflectively look at your attitude and actions because you will only move through life when you leave the anchor of problems behind. Being free is to move into the future without fears or encumbrances. If they prevent you from doing things differently, then you are the one who needs to mold your new path. You can do it! One of the first things you will have to shift is your thoughts that you are a loser, that you do not deserve any better, or that changing is too hard. Not changing is what keeps bringing the same results!

You have a conduit to all those in spirit, therefore, you have no excuses. Reach out to those who can help you understand the empowerment of change. Ask for guidance, but when it is given to you, it is imperative for you to stop disagreeing with what you don’t want or like to hear. Our cupped hands overflow with love and compliments for each of you. Stay around to absorb what is yours. Learning can never be looked at as something only for children, as you see them. We see you all as children of the Creator. Share your thoughts and dreams with anyone and everyone so that you can get the energies into the universe and help others feel validated along the way. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 10, 2009

Living life properly will bring a lifetime of contentment and happiness. In addition, it will allow you to live a life free of regrets. Perhaps this is a simplification of many of our messages to you. When you exist in a state of controlled emotions, it allows for you to always be ready to handle any adversity that may come to you. It enables you to be a leader by example; one who shows others that to survive with joy in your heart that it will always bring a sense of satisfaction. This is important if you truly desire to live with the quality of gratification as the centerpiece of your being.

Speaking of desire, we might tell you that to have such an emotion is only helpful when your intentions are pure. Desire for the wrong things is never good. In other words, when you have an aspiration to get something out of envy of another, or to get even with someone, then desire is no good. However, when you approach your goal with a pure heart and mind, the results will be that the universe rewards you much more quickly. It is then even more viable when you show gratitude for the spiritually given gifts by sharing your desired results with others who can benefit from some assistance. What actually happens is that you generate more goodness for others to learn how to take it and share it, thus continuing a positive energy for the world to harmonize with.

By living in this divine way, Nirvana will always be favorable. Your physical lives are meant to be enjoyed as much as possible. Therefore, by following the wisdom of Spirits’ words to you, your enlightenment in your spiritual journey will become grand. It is with the love of God, or any of the Masters in the land of love and joy, that your life will be enhanced in many ways. Always try to exist in an attitude of forgiveness. Make sure you take time to forgive yourself first if you feel you have made any in mistakes. While we share with you the best way to feel serene, ultimately it is your choice to abide by it. Knowing that we will never give up in our efforts to teach you to be supreme human beings, your life should be deemed as filled with success, happiness and contentment. That is our desire for you. May you embrace The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 9, 2009

Most people would see the image of a pyramid as the right way to build almost anything, whether it is a structure or the building blocks to a good life. A solid foundation is always the most pivotal part of any project. Since many of you visualize Heaven as being up, then we want you to see our pyramid upside down. We have a point to this. In your physical life, you must create a strong base so that you can persevere through all the emotional ups and downs. The earthbound world--your environment and all the people in it--can cause elation just as easily as it can create some sort of personal disruptions. This is why Spirit is always trying to usher you onto your best, most loving or loved path.

The purpose of asking you to see the pyramid upside down when thinking about God and Spirit is simple. If you are able to see the enormity of the base of the our structure, and then trace it to its narrowest point, it will connect to you. At the same time, look at your life through the physical pyramid, with your base on the bottom. When you see the two together, what you have is your own foundation and all the tools to survive on earth. It also shows you that at your thinnest point, that it connects to the other side, striving to move you with more strength and conviction. Trace Spirit’s pyramid to the top and you will find that it only gets stronger for you. It takes away the tension of feeling like you always have to be perfect in all ways. We are here to take your burden!

We are making an intelligent assumption that you can see the symmetry of a life lived in the highest accordance with the Golden Side. You can smile and relax more, simply because you are learning to believe in the broadest of senses, that the earthly life you live still has your soul connected to God and the angels. It is our way of telling you that no matter how stressed or tested you feel on any given day, that the building blocks for empowerment only get stronger. We provide you with a basis for love; our structure only gets broader as you need us more. It is up to each individual to determine their own level of happiness and achievements. Hopefully, you are fully grasping what we are sharing with you.

Lastly, it is vital for you to know that some dramatic shifting in life is normal. Since you are souls living out a precious time in a physical body, you undoubtedly will be given multiple opportunities to be happy. We ask that you spend less time challenging the path and more time sharing it. You can make others see the light--and yes--we mean that in multiple ways. Our heart is always with each of you throughout your embattled days. Lift your thoughts higher. Share your loving ideals with others. Express gratitude to anyone who helps you. We especially desire the aspects of these emotions to come back to the highest of sides. The more you focus on the things you have to be grateful for, the more the universe will reward you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 8, 2009

Live each day with love, happiness and conviction! The physical world is a strange place for souls to be. It holds many, many lessons, but it also holds many unplanned or “free will” actions. While you are all greatly protected, it does need to be said that at any time, your soul could be returned to the spiritual realm. This is definitely not said to scare or worry you. We are just trying to get each of you to honor the life you have been given. Live each day so that you will not ever have any regrets.

The value of living in this manner is enormous. The first thing we want you to think about is how important it is to never leave anyone with anger. Never fail to tell someone what a difference they make in your life. You have a responsibility to treat others as if you were them. Keep that thought in the center of all your actions. Living a life of spiritual harmony can be hard. We understand this. All we suggest is that you seize each opportunity to make someone feel good about themselves so that you can feel good about your life. When you break it down, all sentient people want nothing more then to be happy and content. Why not live your life by providing the acts needed to gift those feelings to someone? Why not do uplifting things to make yourself smile? This is not a complicated project. It requires no special skills; only kind words and an occasional act of random kindness. Mostly, we feel it is about honoring the inborn desire to be in a state of loving energy.

Our hope with this message is that you feel blessed and honored by living in this world. We want you to feel as embraced by loving energies just as easily as it is to give them to others. When your heart is in harmony with the angels, no ill will can beset you. You already make a huge difference in society. By simply sharing your kindness, both in heart and mind, the environment around you becomes more positive in vibration. Living life becomes a less stressful thing because, by your actions, you have changed the attitudes around yourself. These acts of passion are never unnoticed by the Kingdom of Angels. So, upon awakening we want you to do one thing--Live each day with a joyous heart! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 6, 2009

Let us embrace love! Without it, you will find a path that is more lonely and stressful then it was ever intended to be. Love does not always have to be in the form of romance, although we always, in all ways, would love for each of you to experience it. The love we speak of is multi-faceted. It is love of yourself, your partner, family, friends, the environment, animals and more.

Today, we wish to direct most of our thoughts to love for yourself. It is easy for most people to slip into feelings of insecurity and self doubt when you have been surrounded by people who are not affirming your positive traits. Instead, you become a traitor to yourself by buying into the unrealistic demands and misrepresentations of who it is that you really are. Why is it so easy to believe the negative things about yourself, when there is so much more to you? Believe, believe, believe! You are a special and revered golden spoke in the wheel of Creation. It is you alone who must trust in the magnificence of who you are; to believe that you are worthy of being loved.

Try to begin each day by verbalizing at least three good things about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and give a hug. If you are uncomfortable with that, simply say “I love you.” If that makes you uncomfortable, then quietly say it inwardly, but with conviction. It is vital that you bless yourself in some way. The friendly Trinity loves you in innumerable ways. Our inspiration to feel that way is your simple existence. You are genuinely a gift from God! All we ask in return is that you do not shortchange or deny yourself of finding even one or two things to be grateful for about yourself. It could be your thoughtfulness, the love you give to others, your creativity, spirituality, warm heart, or even your efforts to assist others when you are finding it hard to see beyond your own woes. We want you to know that you are never alone.

Make a difference on this day by spending a minute or two with thoughts of your goodness. No one is immune to love, despite the hurts other people may have caused you. Your social circle is adamant in their belief in you. So too, is God, Jesus and the triumphant and loving entities of angels, guides and teachers. Have faith that you are worthy of being happy. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit. We love you!

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 5, 2009

Each of us is intrinsically connected to our family, friends and all others who we come in contact with. As life moves in seemingly random chaos, most people have a difficult time understanding how the energies of a passerby may be having an affect on them. Consider that each breath you take changes the energy pattern around you. If something as mundane as that can alter the field of energy, imagine how much can shift without you even being aware of it. Our point in today’s message is quite simple. It is to remind you that your actions can have a profound impact.

Think about how you feel when walking in a store or on the street. Do you ever pay attention to the rhythm of your feelings when you notice someone intentionally veering away from you? What is your reaction to that as opposed to when someone confidently offers a smile and a hello? Unless you are being untruthful, the only response you should have is that the person who acknowledges you makes you feel lighter and more at ease. This is where the point of our lesson should grip you. Your own emotions and behavior make a substantial difference. Could you imagine how powerful this world would be if everyone smiled at each other, instead of avoiding or sniping at one another? Remember, for every action there is an equal reaction. The world is simply a collage of interconnected souls. What one does will have an impact on many others.

We ask you a simple question. Wouldn’t it be nice if you lifted the mood of everyone around you by acknowledging their existence with a warm sense of peace? A smile and a hug, when appropriate, is always a great way to make someone feel special or important. Since each of you are special to all of us in the spiritual kingdom, we want you to take our collective hug and love. Allow it to be absorbed into you so that you can feel uplifted. We want you to know that regardless of your moods, your attitude or your desires, God and Spirit are your friend, your lover, your teacher. We are you, as well as with you. Your thoughts and dreams are not lost on us. Today, choose to make a difference. Let someone feel important. Honor those who have helped you in whatever way you can, even if they may tell you they can handle their issues by themselves. Sometimes, like we do from spirit, taking no for an answer should be more of a motivator to assist those you can. Never let the burden of those who bring light to you feel that they don’t deserve some time and comfort in return. This is your chance to bring the guiding light to shine as though the wattage increased. The angels are intensifying their efforts to aid you. Embrace the connection and pass it on. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit. You are never alone.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 4, 2009

When the wind whips your face, lift your arms and let it expand and take you to great places. As a physical being, you do not always know what is ahead for you. Sometimes, you will come across a life that may seem to be filled with challenges and upsets, day in and day out. This does not have to be your life. While we are not telling you to wish or will it on someone else, we are saying that you do not deserve to be penned in by your angst. Consider this a message to affirm your freedom! As though you are an angel, allow your heart to flutter anew. Feel the advantage of releasing any marring thoughts that may be haunting you. The universe is free. Your life in the universe is free!

Try to imagine the expansion of your soul’s energy. From within the walls of your body, view this undefeatable connection to God and Spirit as it comes through your body. Breathe in deeply, anticipating the white light of love flowing with your efforts. Take time to exhale, visualizing a release of blackness; a release of all the toxic buildup that needs to be expelled away from you. Allow for the simplicity of this exercise to erect a new you. Often, the best way to deal with your stress is to minimize it be consciously seeing it released to the powers and sources in life who can carry the burden. Let go of the negativity and fill yourself with joy and optimism.

Simply stated; we want you to be able to transport your worries to the Highest Power. Learn to start recognizing the subtle signals of energetic living. Instead of being fearful of what your day will bring, open your eyes to the magnificence of living a life of soul-filled proprieties. Know that as part of an enormous cosmic Creation, you are individually an important cog that makes the energy flow properly. Today is your day to feel refreshed. Feel the elation of vibrations, as though the choir of angels were singing directly to you. In a sense, they are harmonizing the right tune for you. The only one who can stop yourself from taking part in the sweetness of life is you and the attitude you assign to it. If God intended for each person to suffer, then the need for the master Jesus in an incarnated life would be moot.

Free your mind of the abundance of downtrodden feelings, frequently caused out of your own fears of being happy. When you have lived a life that has been stifled on many levels, it is common to reject the things and people who can elevate your emotional state of bliss. The unknown is always scary until you introduce yourself to it. Spend a little time reflecting on whether or not you have created ways, directly or indirectly, to divert God’s offering of love and deep contentment. If you are honest, you might find it surprising at how many different times you did not trust the intuitive knowing given to you, nor embrace the chance for a life of harmonization. Let the winds of cleansing lift you to your designated path to joy. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 3, 2009

Have you ever had someone close to you pass to the Golden Side and feel as though a piece of yourself was missing? You are not alone. Perhaps it is a more common occurrence then most people would imagine. We speak to you about this because we can see many people lingering with their sadness, emptiness and confusion much longer then they need to. What you might not understand is that it is possible that a small piece of your soul escaped with them.

Fear not! You can call it back to yourself if you are willing to release all your anxieties. Even more so, if you start to envision the life of happiness and contentment that your lost loved one would want for you, then you can become whole much more quickly. You have to ask yourself if you think your son, daughter, sibling, spouse or anyone who you were intrinsically connected to would want you pining away forever. Chances are, they would probably be imploring you to move forward; to be courageous in the face of your sadness.

The other aspect of this message is quite different; however, the results may still be the same. When someone is physically, mentally or emotionally abused by another, sometimes the prevailing attitude is to close yourself down. You become intolerant of yourself and to life. The emptiness continues to expand and creates an arc of darkness in your soul. It does not make you a dark person. We need to make that clear. The actions of others, be it criminal or somehow based within a relationship, can slowly kill off the spark of life that is rightfully yours to have. No single person can ever take that away from you. Remember, you have the power over all things to retain what is rightfully yours.

So, we know we are telling you something that may seem unfathomable to many people. To retrieve your soul, the fix is quite simple. You must first exonerate yourself for all the problems that have besieged you. That does not mean you have no responsibility, but for the sake of this message, that part of yourself is already released and forgiven by the Trinity of love. If you cannot step aside to realize that the loss was not something you did directly, then feeling whole will never happen. Make sure you do not create ways to blame yourself; to assign fault inwardly for car accidents, illnesses or any other spontaneous acts of personal hardships. It matters not at all to any of us in spirit. Begin each day with the thought that you deserve to feel complete in all ways-- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Tell yourself out loud that you deserve the grace of God to be part of your normal being. Tell Spirit that you are worthy of being treated with peace and blessings throughout your day; that you do not deserve to suffer anymore. We will bring the appropriate response to you because you are deeply loved and cherished. Love yourself! The angels do! Fear and suffering must be replaced by an “I can” attitude, simply because you can have it all. Transform yourself away from negative programmed thoughts that have been given to you by others. Let them be God’s burden! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
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