Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--February 16, 2009

Let us talk about the children of the world. Spirit sees them as the lifeblood of society. This is why it is vital to teach them to love; to be open to, as well as to honor God and Spirit as benevolent, non-segregationist energies. Our only function is to bring all people a sense of deep love, protection and gifts for truly abiding by the principles of love. It needs to begin at birth so that when children are older, anyone who tries to indoctrinate them into living maliciously in the name of God will not be accepted by them. Likewise, those who try to remove the concept and faith in Higher Intelligence will also be denied.

This week, we want you to observe any interaction with children that come into your focus, especially the wee ones. You will notice that the canvass of their beliefs have not yet been torn apart. Unfortunately, most of them have not been imprinted with any concept of true Godliness. All we want is for you to view them. If they look familiar in any way, try to see if it is a reflection on what you may have been taught in any type of errant way.

This is your chance to start to turn the tide against anger, terrorizing, ignoring the Great Ascended Masters and all other violence. Bad behavior doesn’t start by itself. Mostly, it is learned behavior from mimicking the attitudes of others. That is the same basis for all prejudiced thinking and actions. You can make a difference by simply sharing with the young ones in your life the love that you are learning to receive. Wouldn’t it be a great thing if one day you woke up without any concerns about the frailty of global balance? Actually, if you have been interceded with the power of your God and Spirit, you should already be awaking with this feeling. You are loved always and endlessly. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


Diane said...

This should be given to all new parents and posted in all schools! What a wonderful lesson this is for all adults. If everyone would teach children about the love of God and Spirit, it would definitely stem the tide of violence and bad behavior and help them learn to love all of God's children.

Unknown said...

I actually liked this one too. It is something that Spirit reminds me of fairly often.