Friday, April 10, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 11, 2009

Treasure this day! Behold the gift of God and Spirit, for it is you. Look only into your soul if you want to see the beauty that life has to offer. It is not always as hidden as you may feel on some days. Man or woman, you can find the treasure you seek when you quietly listen to your inner voice; that child within who needs to be nurtured if you are to ever feel the contentment that was intended to be yours. Spirit sees you as a blessing and wonderful addition to the universe. Make sure you see yourself in that same “light.”

Use each day as a springboard to bigger and better things. We speak of this in terms of personal and spiritual growth. As long as you stay connected to the belief system that we encourage you to abide by, then the rewards will become addicting. Isn’t it better to be entrenched in a flow of prosperity and love than it is to deny the optimism that the universe brings to you? Why does the word “addiction” need to be thought of only in the sense of being unable to control a negative vice or habit, when it could just as easily relate to being so enamored with living life in a state of bliss, achievement and love? Once again, it is each person who has the right to dictate their path.

This message was intended to remind you of the love that ebbs and flows around yourselves and souls. It is a high spiritual time; one where, arguably, the greatest example of someone who lived in complete unison with God and the precepts of the Golden Rule, walked amongst the people. Do you allow yourself to be absorbed into the soaking rays of love that Jesus represented? You do not have to be Jesus, but simply do your best to live in the wake of some great teachings. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


***Make sure you check the blog tomorrow. Normally, there is no entry on Sunday, but I have been "informed" that one will be given to me for Easter.

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