Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 3, 2009

With so many people hustling and bustling their way through life, sometimes it is best to make yourself slow down for a few minutes. Take some time to sip life! Enjoy what you have and lament less about what you feel that you do not have. Spend more time thinking about the beauty of life. All thoughts that do not register in the way of love, peace and positive visions of life now and in the future are really a waste of time. It is unnecessary to dwell on "what could have been." Instead, slow your pace down to see what great vibrancy connects you to the universe!
Our intention is to spread words of contentment and true hope for your future. We never want you to be fearful, yet we want you to be proactive in not allowing the doom and gloom of other people to disrupt your journey. Where this trip takes you in this life is virtually all up to you. That sentence has some of you concerned, but what you must absorb and accept is that although you may go through stretches of time when you may feel challenged by the physical world, we--your guides, teachers and angels--are always present. You will not be overwhelmed if you shed your worries and fears by letting go and letting God. That will lead you to shout, "Life's good!" Your shipment of infinite knowledge has arrived. Tap into it by talking to us. Help others by openly sharing the information in all of our messages. The more people you can enlist to be blessed by your growth and awareness of how to cope with life, the more the world will become a place of unity and joy. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


Diane said...

I absolutely love this message!

How true it is that dwelling on the past and what could have been is such a waste of time and energy. It took me a long time to learn that it did no good to rehash things over and over in my mind and worry about whether or not I did the right thing.It is what it is, what's done is done, etc. Just change your thoughts, and it's like magic...

Dwelling on the beauty of now makes life and the world so beautiful and peaceful. LG and LG and LG.

"Take some time to sip life" and a good glass of wine! :-)

Thank you, Jim, for another beautiful day!

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
I like this message! I fully accept and recieve that my, "infinite knowledge has arrived," which I can tap into by talking to Spirit. I have been asking Spirit to, "lift me up", and I find that my mood is almost instantly lightened. I am very grateful to Spirit. And thank you Jim for all yor good work. Your meditation is one of the high Lights of my week.

Unknown said...

Somedays it can seem like a battle, but we're all in it together. Attitude and approach makes for our reality.