Monday, April 20, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 21, 2009

You can be triumphant! There is nothing in life that cannot be achieved with the right planning and attitude. In a sense, it is our way of telling you that your approach to what you want in life has to also take into consideration the foundation you lay. If you have been of the “negative mental majority,” then the goals you seek will be harder to come by. On the other hand, if you have been working on re-guiding your thoughts to be more optimistic and positive, the wait for your success will not be as long. Keep in mind that most people do not truly find their spirituality until well after traditional school ends. You are not alone in your endeavors to reach the pinnacle of happiness that is so deservedly yours. It is never too late for that.

While you will never be able to change the past, you forge the strength of your future by your attitude and actions of today. This is why we are constantly imploring you to think about your performance in the affirmative. By allowing yourself the power of knowing that your words and deeds of today will shape the amount of happiness for your future, then does it not make sense to make every effort possible to do the right thing? Angels fly with you; therefore you have no reason to be fearful. It is time to step out of your comfort zone if you are struggling, but still assimilating the thoughts that put you where you currently are. Let go of “what could have been.“ Move forward! Be brave and be bold!

Lastly today, we want to share with you the idea of stretching the boundaries of your self imposed limitations. Think beyond the pale of what is wrong with you. Instead, focus in on all that is right with you. We can guarantee that if you ask someone else to point out the goodness of who you are--your character--that you be pleasantly surprised by the answers given to you. If other people can see your positive uniqueness, why will you deny it? You are loved beyond your normal comprehension by God and Spirit. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You can purchase autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at


Diane said...

The messages from Spirit are getting more powerful each day! They are wonderful, thank you!

Anonymous said...

How truly wonderful.

Anonymous said...

"Angels fly with you." I believe it. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments. Please let me know if there is anything different you feel I should be doing with the blog. Mostly, it was created to simply get Spirits' words of encouragement out to as many people as possible. That said, don't hesitate to pass the word along to anyone you feel it might benefit.